Good Grief
Grief is specific to each person who unfortunately has to go through the journey. I call it a journey because there are so many twists, turns and experiences along the way. We cry, we laugh, we scream and at no specific time or reason. Sometimes we feel like we are going half crazy. I can assure you, you are not. This is the hard road we must travel, unfortunately.
When someone we love leaves us whether it is unexpected or expected, we are truly never prepared for the hole that is left in our hearts and our lives. When my mother passed, the 5+ phone calls a day, drive by visits, spending the nights all came to an abrupt stop. Talk about hitting a brick wall. Though I have 3 children and a husband, this still left a giant void in my life. You wake up the next day wishing it was a dream, hoping, just hoping it wasn't true. How could this be true. Life as you knew it is gone. Life as you knew it will never be the same, never. You just learn how to live without them, and it's not easy.
Some people will tell you they are sorry, some say they wish they could help and then others simply tell you to get over it or move on. What?? Are you serious? Get over it? Move on? Some never get over it or move on. And honestly, I don't know how you ever get over something that you held so close to your heart. I can tell you if someone says that you you, tell them to go pack sand! You will go through this at your own speed, not theirs. This is YOUR journey and just like our fingerprints are different, so is our travels through grief.
I will be listing different things to help you and think about for when you need a hand. I am not a grief counselor, but I have loved and lost. I know that hollow feeling and I just hope to help you wherever you are on your road.

Half empty
I don't know this feeling, nor do I want to but I do have friends who have lost their spouses and it is horrible.


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